Join Us!

April 27th

6:30 - 9p.m.

Art Spirit Gallery

Please join us to renew the membership of

Kootenai Environmental Alliance

KEA is the oldest environmental non-profit in Idaho, and like the region we represent, we're changing.

Join us at the Re-membering event to meet the new board members and learn about the history of KEA.

Share appetizers, drinks and good company as we discuss the environmental needs of our region and the opportunities they present for KEA and its members to serve.

Become a member and help us to conserve, protect and restore our local environment for future generations.

"Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land."

Aldo Leopold

We need your help!

Don't miss this opportunity to meet, and connect with other community members who are committed to creating a healthy, sustainable future for our region.

Mark your calendar and join us!

KEA Re-Membering Event

Saturday, April 27th, 6:30 - 9p.m., Art Spirit Gallery


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